Even Yee Man LEUNG
Hi! I'm Even. My odd name comes from my Cantonese name, "Yee Man". Born and raised in Hong Kong, I've always been intrigued by the exceptionally high biodiversity in the city. Who would have thought this metropolis could nurture so much wildlife? Completing my Bachelor's degree in Ecology & Biodiversity at HKU, I've developed a keen interest in environmental education. My ambition is to utilize my training and knowledge to spread my love and passion for nature to the public and especially to students, the future of our society. I have helped in various NGOs with ecotours and was one of the coordinators of the local environmental education programme, Take Action! 2021. It was a really enjoyable experience.
Research-wise, I've always wanted to conduct applied research in conservation biology, striving to protect biodiversity. I'm generally interested in all sorts of wildlife, but my favourite is plants. Plants are quiet and graceful, always sitting there subtly supporting other members of the ecosystem, by providing shelter, food and oxygen. My PhD project will be on timber trade, aiming to understand the supply chain of the trade and the ecological implications of this extraction. Excited to learn more about the various conservation forensics tools and other related techniques in this PhD!
Feel free to contact me at even9710@connect.hku.hk to talk about research, HKU life, Cantopop, trampolining and furry pets!
My cat "Mao jai"
(means little cat in Canto)
My Mongrel Momo