undergraduate student* / postgraduate student / postdoc / research assistant / equal contribution#


Tsang TPN, ... (plus 141 authors), Ponisio LC, Bonebrake TC (2025) Land use change consistently reduces α- but not β- and γ-diversity of bees. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.70006 Abstract

Bonebrake TC, Tsang TPN, Yu N, Wang Y, Ledger MJ, Tilley HB, Yau EYH, Andersson AA, Boyle MJW, Lee KWK, Li Q, Ling YF, Dongmo MAK, Güçlü C, Dingle C, Ashton LA (2025) Tropical cities as windows into the ecosystems of our present and future. Biotropica, 57, e13369 Full Text


Prigge T-L, Andersson AA#, Hatten CER#, Leung EYM#, Baker DM, Bonebrake TC, Dingle C (2024) Wildlife trade investigations benefit from multivariate stable isotope analyses. Biological Reviews, doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128519 Full Text

Worthington BM#, Wong PY-H#, Kumaree KK, Prigge T-L, Ng KH, Liao Y, Martelli P, Churgin S, Lee FK, Perkins C, Bradley M, Pierce MP, Shum MH-H, Miot EF, Cheung WY-M, McIlroy SE, Nash HC, Wirdateti, Semiadi G, Tan C-W, Wang L-F, Ades G, Baker DM, Dingle C, Pybus OG, Holmes EC, Leung GM, Guan Y, Zhu H, Bonebrake TC, Lam TTY (2024) Serological evidence of sarbecovirus exposure along Sunda pangolin trafficking pathways. BMC Biology, 22, 274 Full Text

Jones E, Badon JAT, Ling YF, Boehm K, Bonebrake TC (2024) First photographic record of Tirumala hamata orientalis (Semper, 1879) (Nymphalidae: Danainae) in Hong Kong. The Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 78, 210-213 Abstract

Chan M, Tsang TPN, Dingle C, Early R, Sorte CBJ, Bonebrake TC (2024) Microhabitat coverage influences avian species composition more than habitat heterogeneity in Hong Kong urban parks. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 101, 128519 Abstract

Boyle MJW, Sharp AC, Barclay M, Chung AYC, Ewers RM, Rougemont GD, Bonebrake TC, Kitching RL, Stork NE, Ashton LA (2024) Tropical beetles more sensitive to impacts are less likely to be known to science. Current Biology, 34, R770-R771 Abstract

Abrego N, Furneaux B, Hardwick B, Somervuo P, Palorinne I... Bonebrake TC... Dongmo MAK... (plus 104 co-authors), Hebert PDN, Roslin T, Ovaskainen O (2024) Airborne DNA metabarcoding reveals that fungi follow predictable spatial and seasonal dynamics at the global scale. Nature, 631, 835–842 Full Text

Ledger MJ, Li Q, Ling YF, Jones EE, Lee KWK, Wu J, Bonebrake TC (2024) Increased habitat availability as revealed by LiDAR contributes to the tropicalization of a subtropical butterfly community. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, doi: 10.1002/rse2.409 Full Text

Ovaskainen O, Abrego N, Furneaux B, Hardwick B, Somervuo P, Palorinne I... Bonebrake TC... Dongmo MAK... (plus 102 co-authors), Hebert PDN, Roslin T (2024) Global Spore Sampling Project: A global, standardized dataset of airborne fungal DNA. Scientific Data, 11, 561 Full Text

Dufour PC, Tsang TPN, Alston N, De Vos T, Clusella-Trullas S, Bonebrake TC (2024) High-resolution climate data reveal an increasing risk of warming-driven activity restriction for diurnal and nocturnal lizards. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11316 Full Text

Fung J*, Ledger MJ, McMillan S, Wu J, Lee CKF, Bonebrake TC (2024) Satellite remote sensing shows maintenance of fish pond area improves persistence of Eurasian otters in Hong Kong. Wetlands, 44, 34 Full Text

Yan Z, Detto M, Guo Z, Smith NG, Wang H, Albert LP, Xu X, Lin Z, Liu S, Zhao Y, Chen S, Bonebrake TC, Wu J (2024) Global photosynthetic capacity jointly determined by enzyme kinetics and eco-evo-environmental drivers. Fundamental Research, doi:10.1016/j.fmre.2023.12.011 Full Text

Wang Y, Dufour PC, Yeung KY, Lo SY, Cheung CCY, Dingle C, Bonebrake TC, Mumby HS (2024) Sustainability of medicinal animal products: Tokay geckos and pangolin scales as traditional Chinese medicine. Integrative Conservation, 2, 176-186 Full Text


Tinsman J, Gruppi C, Bossu CM, Prigge T-L, Harrigan RJ, Zaunbrecher V, Koepfli K-P, LeBreton M, Njabo K, Wenda C, Xing S, Abernethy K, Ades G, Akeredolu E, Andrew IB, Barrett TA, Bernáthová I, Černá Bolfíková B, Diffo JL, Difouo GF, Esong Ebong L, Godwill I, Flore Koumba Pambo A, Labuschagne K, Momboua BR, Mousset Moumbolou CL, Ntie S, Nwobegahay J, Rose-Jeffreys E, Simo FT, Sundar K, Swiacká M, Takuo JM, Talla VNK, Tamoufe U, Dingle C, Ruegg K, Bonebrake TC, Smith TB (2023) Genomic analyses reveal poaching hotspots and illegal trade in pangolins from Africa to Asia. Science, 382, 1282–1286 Full Text

Tsang TPN, Bonebrake TC, Ponisio LC, Cadotte MW (2023) Controlling for the effects of environmental availability when testing how the environment determines community compositional uniqueness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 3112-3122 Full Text

Landry Yuan F, Yamakita T, Bonebrake TC, McIlroy SE (2023) Optimal thermal conditions for corals extend poleward with oceanic warming. Diversity and Distributions, 29, 1388-1401 Full Text

Li Q, Bonebrake TC, Michalski JR, FKK Wong, Fung T (2023) Combining multi-temporal airborne LiDAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral data for assessment of disturbances and recovery of mangrove forests. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 291, 108444 Abstract

Tsang PNT, Ponisio LC, Bonebrake TC (2023) Increasing synchrony opposes stabilizing effects of species richness on terrestrial communities. Diversity and Distributions, 29, 849-861 Full Text

Zhen Y, Dongmo MAK, Harrigan RJ, Ruegg K, Fu Q, Hanna R, Bonebrake TC, Smith TB (2023) Strong habitat-specific phenotypic plasticity but no genome-wide differentiation across a rainforest gradient in an African butterfly. Evolution, qpad052 Abstract

Dongmo MAK, Hanna R, Bonebrake TC (2023) Enhancing scientific and community capacity to conserve Central African Lepidoptera. Biological Conservation, 279, 109938 Abstract

Xing S, Leahy L, Ashton LA, Kitching RL, Bonebrake TC, Scheffers BR (2023) Ecological patterns and processes in the vertical dimension of terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92, 538-551 Abstract

Landry Yuan F, Yeung CT*, Prigge T-L, Dufour P, Sung YH, Dingle C, Bonebrake TC (2023) Conservation and cultural intersections within Hong Kong's snake soup industry. Oryx, 57, 40-47 Full text

McMillan SE, Wong ATC, Tang SSS*, Yau EYH*, Gomersall T, Wong PHY, Vu AKH*, Sin SYW, Hau BCH, Bonebrake TC (2023) Spraints demonstrate small population size and reliance on fishponds for Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Hong Kong. Conservation Science and Practice, 5, e12851 Full text


Guo Z, Still CJ, Lee CK, Ryu Y, Blonder B, Wang J, Bonebrake TC, Hughes A, Li Y, Yeung HC, Zhang K, Law YK, Lin Z, Wu J (2022) Does plant ecosystem thermoregulation occur? An extratropical assessment at different spatial and temporal scales. New Phytologist, doi:10.1111/nph.18632 Abstract

Lim V-C, Sing K-W, Chong KY, Jaturas N, Dong H, Lee P-S, Tao NT, Le DT, Bonebrake TC, Tsang PNT, Chu L*, Brandon-Mong G-J, Kong W-L, Soga M, Wilson J-J (2022) Familiarity with, perceptions of and attitudes toward butterflies of urban park users in megacities across East and Southeast Asia. Royal Society Open Science, 9, 220161 Full text

Zhao Y, Lee CKF, Wang Z, Wang J, Gu Y, Xie J, Law YK, Song G, Bonebrake TC, Yang X, Nelson BW, Wu J (2022) Evaluating fine-scale phenology from PlanetScope satellites with ground observations across temperate forests in eastern North America. Remote Sensing of Environment, 283, 113310 Full text

Dufour PC, Miot EF, So TC*, Tang SL*, Jones EE, Kong TC*, Landry Yuan F, Sung YH, Dingle C, Bonebrake TC (2022) Home and hub: pet trade and traditional medicine impact reptile populations in source locations and destinations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 289, 20221011 Abstract

Allcock JA, Bonebrake TC, Sung YH, Dingle C (2022) Shifts in phenology of autumn migration and wing length among reedbed passerines along the East Asian–Australasian Flyway. Avian Research, 13, 100052 Full Text

Ling YF, Bonebrake TC (2022) Consistent heat tolerance under starvation across seasonal morphs in Mycalesis mineus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 271, 111261 Abstract

Dufour P, Tsang TPN, Clusella-Trullas S, Bonebrake TC (2022) No consistent effect of daytime versus night-time measurement of thermal tolerance in nocturnal and diurnal lizards. Conservation Physiology, 10, coac020 Full text

Landry Yuan F, Prigge T-L, Sung YH, Dingle C, Bonebrake TC (2022) Two genetically distinct yet morphologically indistinct Bungarus species (Squamata, Elapidae) in Hong Kong. Current Herpetology, 42, 114-124 Full text

Zhang Z*, Bonebrake TC, Xing S, Dingle C, Ho I, Andersson AA (2022) Low pangolin consumption in Hong Kong pre- and post- the COVID-19 outbreak: Conservation and health concerns both contribute to people's attitudes. Global Ecology and Conservation, 35, e02107 Full text


Landry Yuan F, Devan-Song A, Yue S, Bonebrake TC (2021) Snakebite management and One Health in Asia using an integrated historical, social and ecological framework. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 106, 384-388 Abstract

Wenda C, Xing S, Nakamura A, Bonebrake TC (2021) Morphological and behavioural differences facilitate tropical butterfly persistence in variable environments. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, 2888-2900 Abstract

Wikramanayake E, Pfeiffer D, Magouras I, Conan A, Ziegler S, Bonebrake TC, Yoganand K, Olson D (2021) Evaluating wildlife markets for pandemic disease risk. The Lancet Planetary Health, 5, e400 Full Text

Wikramanayake E, Pfeiffer D, Magouras I, Conan A, Ziegler S, Bonebrake TC, Olson D (2021) A tool for rapid assessment of wildlife markets in the Asia-Pacific Region for risk of future zoonotic disease outbreaks. One Health, 13, 100279 Full Text

Liew JH, Kho ZY, Lim RBH, Dingle C, Bonebrake TC, YH Sung, Dudgeon D (2021) International socioeconomic inequality drives trade patterns in the global wildlife market. Science Advances, 7, eabf7679 Full Text

Dongmo MAK, Hanna R, Smith TB, KKM Fiaboe, Fomena A, Bonebrake TC (2021) Local adaptation in thermal tolerance for a tropical butterfly across ecotone and rainforest habitats. Biology Open, 10, bio058619 Full Text

Lo FHY, Tsang TPN, Bonebrake TC (2021) Behavior-partitioned diversity reveals differential habitat values of gardens to butterfly communities. Ecological Applications, 31, e02331 Full Text

Leung TKC*, Bonebrake TC (2021) Abundance, distribution and substrate association of Hong Kong stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in secondary forests. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 14, 609-619 Abstract

Andersson AA, Tilley HB, Lau W, Dudgeon D, Bonebrake TC, Dingle C (2021) CITES and beyond: Illuminating 20 years of global, legal wildlife trade. Global Ecology and Conservation, 26, e01455 Full Text

Landry Yuan F, Ito S, Tsang TPN, Kuriyama T, Yamasaki K, Bonebrake TC, Hasegawa M (2021) Predator presence and recent climatic warming raise body temperatures of island lizards. Ecology Letters, 24, 533-542 Abstract

McMillan SE, Dingle C, Allcock J, Bonebrake TC (2021) Exotic animal cafes are increasingly home to threatened biodiversity. Conservation Letters, 14, e12760 Full Text


Yasuhara M, Huang H-HM, Hull P, Rillo MC, Condamine FL, Tittensor DP, Kucera M, Costello MJ, Finnegan S, O'Dea A, Hong Y, Bonebrake TC, McKenzie NR, Doi H, Wei C-L, Kubota Y, Saupe EE (2020) Time Machine Biology: Cross-timescale integration of ecology, evolution, and oceanography. Oceanography, 33, 16-28 Full Text

Yasuhara M, Wei C-L, Kucera M, Costello MJ, Tittensor DP, Kiessling W, Bonebrake TC, Tabor CR, Feng R, Baselga A, Kretschmer K, Kusumoto B, Kubota Y (2020) Past and future decline of tropical pelagic biodiversity. PNAS, 117, 12891-12896 Abstract

Tsang TPN, Guenard B, Bonebrake TC (2020) Omnivorous ants are less carnivorous and more protein-limited in exotic plantations. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89, 1941-1951. Abstract

Bonebrake TC, Rezende E, Bozinovic F (2020) Climate change and thermoregulatory consequences of activity time in mammals. The American Naturalist, 196, 45-56 Abstract

Goldman A, Bonebrake TC, Tsang TPN, Evans TA, Gibson L, Eggleton P, Griffiths HM, Parr CL, Ashton LA (2020) Drought and presence of ants can influence hemiptera in tropical leaf litter. Biotropica, 52, 221-229 Abstract

Guo F, Guenard B, Economo EP, Deutsch CA, Bonebrake TC (2020) Activity niches outperform thermal physiological limits in predicting global ant distributions. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 829-842 Abstract

Xing S, Bonebrake TC, Cheng W, Zhang M, Ades G, Shaw D, Zhou Y (2020) Meat and medicine: historic and contemporary use in Asia. In Pangolins: Science, Society and Conservation (pp. 227-239), Academic Press Book Chapter

Landry Yuan F, Prashanth Ballullaya U, Roshnath R, Bonebrake TC, Sinu PA (2020) Sacred groves and serpent-gods moderate human-snake relations. People and Nature, 2, 111-122 Full Text

Crickenberger S, Hui TY, Landry Yuan F, Bonebrake TC, Williams GA (2020) Preferred temperature of intertidal ectotherms: Broad patterns and methodological approaches. Journal of Thermal Biology, 87, 102468 Full Text


Au TF*, Bonebrake TC (2019) Increased suitability of poleward climate for a tropical butterfly (Euripus nyctelius) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) accompanies its successful range expansion. Journal of Insect Science, 19, 1-8 Full Text

Xing S#, Au TF*#, Dufour PC, Cheng W, Landry Yuan F, Jia F, Vu LV, Wang M, Bonebrake TC (2019) Conservation of data deficient species under multiple threats: Lessons from an iconic tropical butterfly (Teinopalpus aureus). Biological Conservation, 234, 154-164 Abstract

Tsang TPN, Dyer E, Bonebrake TC (2019) Alien species richness is currently unbounded in all but the most urbanized bird communities. Ecography, 42, 1426-1435 Full Text

Hui TY, Landry Yuan F, Bonebrake TC, Williams GA (2019) Multifunctional behaviour in a sandy shore crab enhances performance in extreme intertidal environments. Oecologia, 189, 79-89 Abstract

Yue S, Bonebrake TC, Gibson L (2019) Informing snake roadkill mitigation strategies in Taiwan using citizen science. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 83, 80-88 Abstract

Cheng W, Kendrick RC, Guo F, Xing S, Tingley MW, Bonebrake TC (2019) Complex elevational shifts in a tropical lowland moth community following a decade of climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 25, 514-523 Full Text

Fuller TL, Narins TP, Nackoney J, Bonebrake TC, Sesink Clee P, Morgan K, Trochez A, Bocuma Mene D, Bongwele E, Njabo KY, Anthony NM, Gonder MK, Kahn M, Allen WR, Smith TB (2019) Assessing the impact of China's timber industry on Congo Basin land use change. Area, 51, 340-349 Abstract

Bonebrake TC, Guo F, Dingle C, Baker DM, Kitching RL, Ashton LA (2019) Integrating proximal and horizon threats to biodiversity for conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34, 781-788 Abstract

Bonebrake TC, Guo F, Dingle C, Baker DM, Kitching RL, Ashton LA (2019) Conservation success through IPBES-guided transformative change.Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34, 970-971 Letter

Magellan K, Bonebrake TC, Dudgeon D (2019) Temperature effects on exploratory behaviour and learning ability of invasive mosquitofish. Aquatic Invasions, 14, 502-517 Full Text

McIlroy SE, Thompson PD, Landry Yuan F, Bonebrake TC, Baker DM (2019) Subtropical thermal variation supports persistence of corals but limits productivity of coral reefs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286, 20190882 Full Text

McMillan SE, Wong TC, Hau BCH, Bonebrake TC (2019) Nymphalidae) Fish farmers highlight opportunities and warnings for urban carnivore conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, 1, e79 Full Text

Luk CL, Basset Y, Kongnoo P, Hau BCH, Bonebrake TC (2019) Inter-annual monitoring improves diversity estimation of tropical butterfly assemblages. Biotropica, 51, 519-528 Abstract

Yue S, Bonebrake TC, Gibson L (2019) Human-snake conflict patterns in a dense urban-forest mosaic landscape. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 14, 143-154 Full Text

Guo F, Bonebrake TC, Gibson (2019) Land-use change alters host and vector communities and may elevate disease risk. Ecohealth, 42, 1426-1435 Abstract


Dufour PC, Willmott KR, Padron PS, Xing S, Bonebrake TC, Scheffers BR (2018) Divergent melanism strategies in Andean butterfly communities structure diversity patterns and climate responses. Journal of Biogeography, 45, 2471-2482 Abstract

Dongmo MAK, Bonebrake TC, Hanna R, Fomena A (2018) Seasonal polyphenism in Bicyclus dorothea (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) across different habitats in Cameroon. Environmental Entomology, nvy135 Abstract

Shin CP*, Hoffman A, Lee W*, Kendrick RC, Baker DM, Bonebrake TC (2018) Stable isotopes of Lithosiini and lichens in Hong Kong show the biodindicator potential of lichenivorous moths. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 21, 1110-1115 Abstract

Dornelas M, Antão LH, Moyes F, Bates AE, Magurran AE, ... Bonebrake TC, ... (271 authors) (2018) BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27, 760-786 Full Text

Xing S, Bonebrake TC, Ashton LA, Kitching RL, Cao M, Sun Z, Ho JH, Nakamura A (2018) Colors of night: climate-morphology relationships of geometrid moths along spatial gradients in southwestern China. Oecologia, 188, 537-546 Abstract

Astudillo JC, Bonebrake TC, Leung KMY (2018) Deterred but not preferred: Predation by native whelk Reishia clavigera on invasive bivalves. PLOS ONE, 13, e0196578 Full Text

Guo F, Lenoir J, Bonebrake TC (2018) Land-use change interacts with climate to determine elevational species redistribution. Nature Communications, 9, 1315 Full Text

Cheng W, Xing S, Chen Y, Lin R, Bonebrake TC, Nakamura A (2018) Dark butterflies camouflaged from predation in dark tropical forest understories. Ecological Entomology, 43, 304-309 Abstract

Xing S, Cheng W, Nakamura A, Tang CC, Pickett EJ, Huang S, Odell E, Goodale E, Goodale MU, Bonebrake TC (2018) Elevational clines in morphological traits of subtropical and tropical butterfly assemblages. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 123, 506-517 Abstract

Landry Yuan F, Freedman A, LeBreton M, Chirio L, Bonebrake TC (2018) Ecophysiological variation across a forest-ecotone gradient produces divergent climate change vulnerability within species. Ecography, 41, 1627-1637 Full Text

Bonebrake TC, Brown CJ, Bell JD, Blanchard J, Chauvenet A, Champion C, Chen I-C, Clark TD, Colwell RK, Danielson F, Dell AI, Donelson JM, Evengard B, Ferrier S, Frusher S, Garcia RA, Griffis RB, Hobday AJ, Jarzyna MA, Lee E, Lenoir J, Linnetved H, Martin VY, McCormack PC, McDonald J, McDonald-Madden E, Mitchell N, Mustonen T, Pandolfi JM, Pettorelli N, Possingham H, Pulsifer P, Reynolds M, Scheffers BR, Sorte CJB, Strugnell JM, Tuanmu M-N, Twiname S, Verges A, Villanueva C, Wapstra E, Wernberg T, Pecl GT (2018) Managing consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of ecology, conservation and social science. Biological Reviews, 93, 284-305 Abstract

Pickett EJ, Chan M, Cheng W, Allcock J, Chan S, Hu J, Lee K, Smith B, Xing S, Yu Y-T, Bonebrake TC (2018) Cryptic and cumulative impacts on the wintering habitat of the endangered black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor)) risk its long-term viability. Environmental Conservation, 45, 147-154 Abstract


Yuen SW*, Bonebrake TC (2017) Artificial night light alters nocturnal prey interception outcomes for morphologically variable spiders. PeerJ, 5, e4070 Full Text

Dongmo MAK, Bonebrake TC, Fomena A, Hanna R (2017) Life history notes on Bicyclus dorothea Cramer (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in Cameroon. Tropical Lepidoptera Research, 27, 28-32 Full Text

Cheng W, Bonebrake TC (2017) Conservation effectiveness of protected areas for Hong Kong butterflies declines under climate change. Journal of Insect Conservation, 21, 599-606 Full Text

Roslin T, Hardwick B, Novotny V, Petry WK, Andrew NR, Asmus A, Barrio IC, Basset Y, Larissa Boesing A, Bonebrake TC, Cameron EK, Dattilo W, Donoso DA, Gray CL, Hik DS, Hill SJ, Hopkins T, Huang S, Koane B, Laird-Hopkins B, Laukkanen L, Lewis OT, Mwesige I, Nakamura A, Nell CS, Prokurat A, Sam K, Schmidt NM, Slade A, Slade V, Suchankova A, Teder T, van Nouhuys S, Vandvik V, Weissflog A, Zhukovich V, Slade EM (2017) Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations. Science, 356, 742-744 Abstract

Pecl GT, Araujo MB, Bell JD, Blanchard J, Bonebrake TC, Chen I-C, Clark TD, Colwell RK, Danielsen F, Evengard B, Falconi L, Ferrier S, Frusher S, Garcia RA, Griffis RB, Hobday AJ, Janion-Scheepers C, Jarzyna MA, Jennings S, Lenoir J, Linnetved HI, McCormack PC, McDonald J, Mitchell NJ, Mustonen T, Pandolfi JM, Pettorelli N, Popova E, Scheffers BR, Shaw JD, Sorte CJB, Strugnell JM, Sunday JM, Tuanmu M-N, Verges A, Villanueva C, Wernberg T, Wapstra E, Williams SE (2017) Biodiversity redistribution under climate change: Impacts on ecosystems and human well-being. Science, 355, eaai9214 Abstract

Astudillo JC, Bonebrake TC, Leung KMY (2017) The recently introduced bivalve Xenostrobus securis has higher thermal and salinity tolerance than the native Brachidontes variabilis and established Mytilopsis sallei. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 118, 229-236 Abstract

Cheng W, Xing S, Bonebrake TC (2017) Recent pangolin seizures in China reveal priority areas for intervention. Conservation Letters, 10, 757-764 Full Text

Tsang TPN, Bonebrake TC (2017) Contrasting roles of environmental and spatial processes for common and rare urban butterfly species compositions. Landscape Ecology, 32, 47-57 Abstract


Bonebrake TC, Pickett EJ, Tsang TPN Tak CY, Vu MQ, Vu LV (2016) Warming threat compounds habitat degradation impacts on a tropical butterfly community in Vietnam. Global Ecology and Conservation, 8, 203-211 Full Text

Astudillo JC, Leung KMY, Bonebrake TC (2016) Seasonal heterogeneity provides a niche opportunity for ascidian invasion in subtropical marine communities. Marine Environmental Research, 122, 1-10 Abstract

Xing S, Bonebrake TC, Tang CC, Pickett EJ, Cheng W, Greenspan SE, Williams SE, Scheffers BR (2016) Cooler habitats support darker and bigger butterflies in a tropical forest. Ecology and Evolution, 6, 8062-8074 Full Text

Landry Yuan F, Pickett EJ, Bonebrake TC (2016) Cooler performance breadth in a viviparous skink relative to its oviparous congener. Journal of Thermal Biology, 61, 106-114 Abstract

Guo F*, Bonebrake TC, Dingle C (2016) Low frequency dove coos vary across noise gradients in an urbanized environment. Behavioural Processes, 129, 86-93 Abstract

Tam KC, Bonebrake TC (2016) Butterfly diversity, habitat and vegetation usage in Hong Kong urban parks. Urban Ecosystems, 19, 721-733 Abstract

Jackson L, Pang MF, Brown E, Cain S, Dingle C, Bonebrake TC (2016) Environmental attitudes and behaviors among secondary students in Hong Kong. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 18, 70-80 Full Text


Perkins MJ, Ng TPT, Dudgeon D, Bonebrake TC, Leung KMY (2015) Conserving intertidal habitats: What is the potential of ecological engineering to mitigate impacts of coastal structures? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 167, 504-515 Abstract

Vu LV, Bonebrake TC, Vu MQ, Nguyen NT (2015) Butterfly diversity and habitat variation in a disturbed forest in northern Vietnam. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 91, 29-38 Abstract


Bonebrake TC, Boggs CL, Stamberger JA, Deutsch CA, Ehrlich PR (2014) From global change to a butterfly flapping: biophysics and behaviour affect tropical climate change impacts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281, 20141264 Full Text

Bonebrake TC, Cooper DS (2014) A Hollywood drama of butterfly extirpation and persistence over a century of urbanization. Journal of Insect Conservation, 18, 683-692 Abstract

Astudillo JC, Wong JCY, Dumont CP, Bonebrake TC, Leung KMY (2014) Assessment of the current status of six non-native marine species in the coastal environment of Hong Kong, 30 years after their first record. BioInvasions Records, 3, 123-137 Full Text

Bonebrake TC, Syphard AD, Franklin JF, Anderson KE, Akçakaya HR, Mizerek T, Winchell C, Regan HM (2014) Fire management, managed relocation, and land conservation options for long-lived obligate seeding plants under global changes in climate, urbanization, and fire regime. Conservation Biology, 28, 1057-1067 Abstract


Syphard AD, Regan HM, Franklin J, Swab RM, Bonebrake TC (2013) Does functional type vulnerability to multiple threats depend on spatial context in Mediterranean-climate regions? Diversity and Distributions, 19, 1263-1274 Full Text

Bonebrake TC (2013) Conservation implications of adaptation to tropical climates from a historical perspective. Journal of Biogeography, 40, 409-414 Full Text


Bonebrake TC, Deutsch CA (2012) Climatic heterogeneity modulates impact of warming on tropical insects. Ecology, 93, 449-455 Full Text

Pringle EG, Ramírez SR, Bonebrake TC, Gordon DM, Dirzo R (2012) Diversification and phylogeographic structure in widespread Azteca plant-ants from the northern Neotropics. Molecular Ecology, 21, 3576-3593 Abstract


Bonebrake TC, Navratil RT, Boggs CL, Fendorf S, Field CB, Ehrlich PR (2011) Native and non-native community assembly through edaphic manipulation: implications for habitat creation and restoration. Restoration Ecology, 19, 709-716 Abstract

Bonebrake TC, Watt WB, Perez A, Boggs CL (2011) One variable species or multiple cryptic? Mitochondrial phylogeny of Central and North American Chlosyne lacinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). European Journal of Entomology, 108, 529-535 Full Text


Bonebrake TC, Christensen J, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR (2010) Population decline assessment, historical baselines, and conservation Conservation Letters, 3, 371-378 Full Text

Bonebrake TC, Mastrandrea MD (2010) Tolerance adaptation and precipitation changes complicate latitudinal patterns of climate change impacts. PNAS, 107, 12581-12586 Full Text

Bonebrake TC, Ponisio LC, Boggs CL, Ehrlich PR (2010) More than just indicators: A review of tropical butterfly ecology and conservation. Biological Conservation, 143, 1831-1841 Abstract

Bonebrake TC, Boggs CL, McNally JM, Ranganathan J, Ehrlich PR (2010) Oviposition behavior and offspring performance in herbivorous insects: consequences of climatic and habitat heterogeneity. Oikos, 119, 927-934 Abstract

Bonebrake TC, Beissinger SR (2010) Predation and infanticide influence ideal free choice by a parrot occupying heterogeneous tropical habitats. Oecologia, 163, 385-393 Full Text


Bonebrake TC, Sorto R (2009) Butterfly (Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) rapid assessment of a coastal countryside in El Salvador. Tropical Conservation Science, 2, 34-51 Summary and Full Text


Boggs CL, Holdren CE, Kulahci IG, Bonebrake TC, Inouye BD, Faye JP, McMillan A, Williams EH, Ehrlich PR (2006) Delayed population explosion of an introduced butterfly. Journal of Animal Ecology, 75, 466-475 Abstract