PhD/MPhil position on HK butterflies and climate


The Global Change and Tropical Conservation lab (PI: Tim Bonebrake) is looking for an MPhil or PhD student to study Hong Kong butterflies and climate to commence Sept 2023. The student would work with a team examining climate, land-use, and host plant drivers of butterfly community change across a range of sites in Hong Kong. Research activities will include field, lab and modeling approaches (e.g. remote sensing and species distribution modeling).

Application procedures for HKU can be found at the Graduate School. PhD applicants are encouraged to apply for the Presidential PhD Scholarship and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship. Interested candidates should send an email (tbone at with their CV and cover letter (and HKbflyRPG in the subject line) by Oct 31 2022.


Jae Hyun Gale LEE


Research Assistant position on HK danaid migration