I am a postdoctoral fellow within the Global Change and Tropical Conservation Lab, monitoring change in forest stand characteristics in Hong Kong. Using this data, we intend to explore how these changes have impacted butterfly species distribution in Hong Kong over time.

More broadly, I am interested in the application of remote sensing, earth observation (EO), big data and machine learning to answer questions surrounding environmental, ecological and social issues. I was previously a PhD student at the University of Nottingham, School of Biosciences, UK, using InSAR to monitor tropical peatland subsidence patterns. Since then, I have had broader experience in other roles using a variety of EO techniques to model permafrost degradation and subsidence, as well as develop a global forced labour risk model. I am always looking for innovative ways to apply EO to solve global problems!

Do reach out to me at if you'd like to find out more.


Chi Wing LEUNG
