Kit Wah Kit LEE


Insects were my first love. Working in the field in Honduras, Iceland, the UK and now Hong Kong has opened my world to some of the most incredible insects and their fascinating ecology. Through these experiences, I have been exposed to a great catalogue of jewel scarabs, papillon and sphingids, for which I have always had a soft spot.

I graduated with a BSc in Psychology and then an MSc in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation in the UK. After returning to Hong Kong, I worked in the Flora Conservation Department at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden for five years where I expanded my horizons in ecology, in particular my appreciation for relationships between plants and insects. Building on my background in psychology, I also explored the social dimension of applied conservation through researching social values associated with the management and protection of fungshui woodlands, among the most diverse forests in Hong Kong today. Combining my passion for insects and plants, my PhD research will focus on the importance of host plant relationships in determining butterfly range expansion in tropical East Asia.

My work and hobbies very much overlap, such that I can often be found looking for rare plants and animals in the wilds of Hong Kong, rearing butterflies and moths, and observing the natural world — an endless source of fascination for me.




Jiahui (Tracy) ZHANG