Yu Hin (Eugene) YAU


Effective and efficient management and protection of species relies on a deep understanding of their distributions. I map species distributions and biodiversity using statistical modeling techniques, specifically species distribution models (SDMs), and aim to enhance the accuracy and utility of these models for a wide range of ecological and conservation applications. I also have extensive experience in camera trapping, spatial data analysis, and high-performance computing. 

In my research, I explore innovative methods to optimize the performance of SDMs in challenging scenarios. This includes refining conventional SDM protocols to improve their predictive accuracy when extrapolating to novel environments, as well as dealing with spatially biased training data. By addressing these critical limitations, I aim to make SDMs more robust and reliable tools for understanding and protecting biodiversity. Beyond my research, I also demonstrate for ENVS2002 Environmental Data Analysis.

Feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more about my work or explore opportunities for collaboration. And if you're a fellow enthusiast, I'd be very happy to chat about Star Wars and operatic pop as well.


Xueying (Lynn) WANG


Kam Ping (Lily) NG