Tropical climate change impacts
Climate change impacts on species and ecosystems are now well known. Changes in species distributions, phenology and extirpation resulting from warming have been observed in variety of European and North American systems. However, how climate change has impacted or will impact biodiversity in the tropics is less clear. Through modelling (especially macrophsyiological approaches) and on-the-ground field-based approaches our lab aims to address this uncertainty. Recent research has highlighted possible high vulnerability of tropical ectotherms to warming while also emphasizing potential mechanisms for species to escape those warming impacts.
Wenda W, Xing S, Nakamura A, Bonebrake TC (2021) Morphological and behavioural differences facilitate tropical butterfly persistence in variable environments. Journal of Animal Ecology, 90, 2888-2900
Bonebrake TC, Rezende E, Bozinovic F (2020) Climate change and thermoregulatory consequences of activity time in mammals. The American Naturalist, 196, 45-56
Guo F, Lenoir J, Bonebrake TC (2018) Land-use change interacts with climate to determine elevational species redistribution. Nature Communications, 9, 1315
Bonebrake, T.C., et al. (2018) Managing consequences of climate-driven species redistribution requires integration of ecology, conservation and social science. Biological Reviews, 93, 284-305