Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research is a key engine for innovation. In the lab we’ve hosted a wide diversity of Final Year Projects in Ecology & Biodiversity, Environmental Science, and Biological Sciences. The projects are always student-led and have covered a diverse range of topics that have at times led to unique research contributions on their own. Several of these projects have also led to publications. Students also regularly conduct research in the lab prior to their final year and are welcome to contact Tim if interested in available opportunities.

  • Fung J, Ledger MJ, McMillan S, Wu J, Lee CKF, Bonebrake TC (2024) Satellite remote sensing shows maintenance of fish pond area improves persistence of Eurasian otters in Hong Kong. Wetlands, 44, 34

    Zhang Z, Andersson AA, Xing S, Dingle C, Bonebrake TC (2022) Low pangolin consumption in Hong Kong pre- and post- the COVID-19 outbreak: Conservation and health concerns both contribute to people's attitudes. Global Ecology and Conservation, 35, e02107

    Leung TKC, Bonebrake TC (2021) Abundance, distribution and substrate association of Hong Kong stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in secondary forests. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 14, 609-619

    Au TF, Bonebrake TC (2019) Increased suitability of poleward climate for a tropical butterfly (Euripus nyctelius) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) accompanies its successful range expansion. Journal of Insect Science, 19, 1-8

    Shin CP, Hoffman A, Lee W, Kendrick RC, Baker DM, Bonebrake TC (2018) Stable isotopes of Lithosiini and lichens in Hong Kong show the biodindicator potential of lichenivorous moths. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 21, 1110-1115

    Yuen SW, Bonebrake TC (2017) Artificial night light alters nocturnal prey interception outcomes for morphologically variable spiders. PeerJ, 5, e4070

    Guo F, Bonebrake TC, Dingle C (2016) Low frequency dove coos vary across noise gradients in an urbanized environment. Behavioural Processes, 129, 86-93